Resalta to renovate lighting at Terme Čatež and Aquapark Žusterna

As a energy solutions provider for numerous hospitality clients, Resalta has signed a new contract for improving lighting efficiency with Terme Čatež. Similar to previous project, Resalta will replace inefficient, outdated lighting with highly efficient LED luminaires at two locations: the original Terme Čatež in Čatež ob Savi as well as the Aquapark Žusterna Hotel in Koper.


As a year-round holiday destination and the largest health resort in Slovenia, Terme Čatež has a high level of energy consumption and as such has chosen to take steps towards improving its efficiency. Resalta will replace all the exterior lights at Terme Čatež and some of the inside lighting, while the Aquapark Žusterna Hotel will undergo a renovation of inside lights only. The renovation will provide the hotel with better luminosity and improve guest and employee comfort besides improving efficiency.


The total number of luminaires that will be replaced at both sites is 873, which will generate annual electricity savings of 638 MWh for the client, which will also result in financial savings. Moreover, these solutions and the reduction in electricity consumption will lower CO2 emissions by 312 tons each year. Project implementation will be completed in early 2019 and will not interrupt normal hotel operations.


Lighting renovation projects are a cost-effective and technologically simple method of improving energy efficiency and generate immediate results, achieving energy as well as financial savings while reducing CO2 emissions. Hospitality clients but also public, industrial and other energy consumers can benefit from these types of projects with minimal interruption of operations.

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