Resalta Bulgaria receives financing from the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources Fund

Resalta is proud to announce that it has obtained funding the Bulgarian Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources Fund for its ESCO project with Ruvela. The EERSF is a self-sustainable commercial entity that concentrates its efforts on facilitating energy efficiency investments and on promoting the development of a working energy efficiency market in Bulgaria. The Fund's main environmental objective is to support the identification, development and financing of viable energy efficiency projects, resulting in a substantial reduction of greenhouse gases. 

The project that will benefit from the financing is Resalta's commercial energy project with Ruvela, a family company located in Sofia that deals with food distribution. In order to help meet its growing storage needs in an energy efficient manner, Resalta will install three new refrigeration units.

The units will result in the lowest possible energy consumption and will generate savings of 44 MWh of electric energy each year thanks to the heat recovery system. The increased refrigerated storage capacity will support the client's expansion plans, as well as lower specific electricity consumption by 15% and reduce CO2 emissions by 85 tons each year.

"It was a pleasure to work with Resalta on the financing of their ESCO project with Ruvela and we hope to continue our work together and form a long-term partnership," said Asen Charliyski, Executive Deputy Director of EERSF Bulgaria. 

Given the EERSF's focus on public projects, Resalta is honoured to be among the first ESCO companies to receive funding for a private sector project. This is a testament to the high quality of Resalta's projects and their positive environmental impact. Resalta hopes to collaborate further with the EERSF in the future. 

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