Resalta completes energy efficiency project for Mercator in Novi Sad

One of the leading retail chains in the region, Mercator, like any other consumer of energy, was looking for ways to lower costs and become more efficient and environmentally-friendly. Its Serbian branch turned to Resalta for long-term solutions.

The first of four projects that Resalta will carry out for Mercator in Serbia was implemented in its Roda shopping center in Novi Sad. Previously reliant on a nearby factory for its heat supply, the shopping center is now energy independent.

After a thorough energy audit, Resalta established that the most appropriate solution for this facility would be the installation of two natural gas boilers of 1,600 kW and 1,300 kW respectively, which would ensure constant and stable heat supply as needed. Natural gas is an ecological fuel source that is also cost friendly, and the switch will result in 22% of financial savings on heat energy each year for Mercator. In addition, the new heating system will reduce CO2 emissions by 232 tons each year.

The works were undertaken with no interruption of operations for the client and fully completed in January 2018. Resalta financed the entire project, and will recover its investment from the client’s savings over a contractual period of 5 years. Resalta’s turnkey solutions mean that the entire project was undertaken by Resalta’s team from the energy audit to the finalization, and that Resalta will now take care of operations and maintenance for the duration of the contract. The client had no CAPEX expenditure and is free of risk for the duration of the contract, benefiting immediately from a significant part of the cost savings achieved.

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