One of Slovenia’s largest companies in the baking industry, Žito, had an over-dimensioned steam system, operating inefficiently with a very poor yield, using on average 1,200 m3 of gas a day. Resalta came up with a precise solution by monitoring the steam consumption to determine actual demand. The two new gas boilers were installed by Resalta, including a system for heat recovery of flue gases. A savings warranty was issued that the gas consumption would not exceed 850 m3 a day.
The new system began work in November 2015 and the consumption of gas was monitored carefully every day. After a year and a half, the Resalta team analyzed the results and concluded that the gas consumption since the system began work has been 523 m3 per day, which is a whole 38% less than predicted, and over 50% less than how much gas the old system used to consume. This means that the client got a return on their investment in less than two years and have already broken even at 18 months since then systems launched.
It is worth noting that the bakery’s production did not diminish during this period but remained constant. In addition, there were a few exceptional cases in 2016 when the production at Žito grew by almost 100%. During this period the daily consumption of gas reached 1,000 m3 and both boilers were working at full capacity. This consumption was still less than what the original boiler used in a day. In ordinary times, only one of the steam boilers is operational while the other is kept as backup.
The efficiency of the system attests to the careful analysis and work that went into choosing exactly the right solution for Žito’s energy needs. Resalta is proud to have helped its client achieve such great results.
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