Resalta completes refrigeration project with Ruvela in Bulgaria

Resalta has completed another project in Bulgaria for food distributor Ruvela. Ruvela is a family-run company based in Sofia, that trades with small dairy producers and supplies large retail chains. Due to an increase in business, Ruvela’s storage needs increased to about 350 m2 and this in turn raised their cooling needs.

Resalta provided a solution by installing three new refrigeration units with waste heat recovery systems. The units cover one medium temperature storage room and two low temperature cold rooms. All systems are fully automated and allow online monitoring. Besides being highly efficient and automated through multifunctional micro-processing controllers, the units will lower specific electricity consumption by 15%. Thanks to the waste heat recovery system, 44 MWh of electric energy will be saved each year.

The increased cold rooms storage capacity will support the client's expansion plans, leaving a positive foot print  by reducing CO2 emissions by 85 tons each year.

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