Example of good practice of decarbonisation in the municipality of Slatina in Croatia

A good practice in decarbonisation is the 5MW biomass-fired cogeneration power plant of Resalta, located in Croatian city Slatina, which was commissioned in 2019. It produces 40 GWh of electricity each year, enough to supply 500 households with electricity, and provides heat to several local industries. It also employs local people in the municipality of Slatina and has created an additional 15 new jobs.

After the planning, construction, and successful operation of a 5 MW biomass cogeneration power plant in the Croatian municipality of Slatina, Resalta has sold the plant to an investment fund. The transaction presents one of the largest foreign investments in the biomass renewable energy segment in Croatia.

On the top of that, decarbonising heating is one of the most challenging aspects in the process of achieving net zero. Today, the decarbonisation trend of the global heating market is well below 10 per cent, so the integration of renewable energy sources represents one of the best ways to reduce emissions.

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