Partnership with J. Christof E&P Services SRL under the Solar as a Rent business model

Leading energy services company Resalta entered a long-term partnership with J. Christof E&P Services SRL, the largest provider of services for complex piping systems in Southeast Europe.

We will install a 161.07 kWp solar power plant on the roof of their company in Prahova, Romania, and supply them with green electricity at a fixed rental price. Over the next seven years, the solar plant is expected to produce an average of 180 MWh/year, helping to offset carbon emissions and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Our cooperation is based on the innovative Solar as a Rent business model, which allows companies such as Christof E&P Services to harness renewable energy without upfront investment, while Resalta supports with holistic energy solution their sustainability efforts to meet their green transition goals.

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