Investment cycle in PV by leading shopping centre developer SES

SES-Spar European Shopping Centres, a leading shopping centre developer in Austria and Slovenia, will launch a new financing cycle for renewable energy and sustainability in partnership with Resalta. It has signed a contract with leading energy partner Resalta to build three rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems with a total capacity of 2,290 kW for its shopping centres Aleja Ljubljana, Citypark Ljubljana and Center Vič Ljubljana.

At the same time, SES will also carry out PV projects at two other shopping centres, Citycenter Celje and Europark Maribor. The solar panels will be operational and producing energy in mid-July 2023 and will contribute to reducing CO2 emissions by 1,239 tonnes per year, equivalent to planting 55,000 trees.

"In developing the project, we focused on maximising the efficiency of the installed systems. This was achieved, among other things, by implementing an energy management system certified in accordance with EN ISO 50001:2018,"

said SES Slovenia Managing Director Toni Pugelj.

SES's sustainable operating model incorporates elements set out in the EU Green Deal. The solar power plants will benefit property owners by increasing energy independence through sustainable local renewable energy production. At the same time, they will also increase the benefits for the tenants of the shopping centre, as well as for visitors who will be able to use the green energy to charge their electric vehicles.

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