New rooftop solar power plant on hotel Radin

Sava Hotels & Resorts and Resalta signed an agreement for 465 kWp rooftop solar power plant in Hotel Radin, Zdravilišče Radenci. From May 2023 the hotel will be able to receive green electricity that will cover a substantial part of power consumption of the building. The solar PV will annually produce 478 MWh of electricity and will lower carbon emissions by 228 tons per year.


The team in Sava Hotels & Resorts:

 “On top of our sustainability efforts in Sava Hotels & Resorts to make this planet a better place we primarily care for our guests who increasingly travel sustainable. Installing a rooftop power plant in Zdravilišče Radenci is going to help us to be even more sustainable and make our guests even more satisfied.”


“A new Solar PV plant contributes actively to the development of green electricity which is the most direct way to support the transition to sustainable energy. With this agreement, Sava Turizem d.d. shows green leadership that hopefully can inspire the rest of the hotel industry both at home and abroad,”

says Luka Komazec, Resalta CEO.

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