The beginning of our cooperation with MK Group

Resalta was recently appointed to perform a delivery, assembly and commissioning of 11 plants for reactive power compensation in the electrical systems of different MK Group’s companies.

Particularly, we will implement this Project on five different locations in the systems of Agrounija, MK Agropanonija, Erdevik, CARNEX Farme and PIK Bečej.

The Project will allow MK Group’s companies to reduce costs of reactive energy up to 80%, therefore significantly increasing their overall energy efficiency. By installing reactive energy plants, Resalta’s solution effectively provides power factor correction, with reduced dissipation and consumption of active energy, highest level of reliability and safety, and minimization of operating costs of the facility.

With 6000 employees and business operations spread in Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia and Montenegro, MK Group is one of the most successful holding companies in the Adriatic region. Thanks to optimal corporate governance and stable growth, MK Group has become a regional leader in agriculture and food industry, tourism and real estate, and renewable energy sources. Today, MK Group is recognized as a trustworthy and reliable partner who brings innovations and new trends in these key business areas.

We congratulate MK Group for choosing sustainability, and look forward to our long-term partnership.

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