Resalta launches new project with Don Don in Kragujevac, Serbia

Resalta’s latest energy efficiency project is with Don Don, the regional leader in bakery goods. Don Don, headquartered in Slovenia, has production facilities in Slovenia, Serbia and Croatia, employing over 1,600 people. In Serbia, its nine bakery sites produce over 250,000 loaves of fresh bread each day. In order to optimize efficiency and reduce carbon emissions, Don Don has partnered with Resalta in Serbia on a project in its production plant in Kragujevac. The plant makes toast and bread products under the brand name “Tvojih 5 Minuta”.

Resalta will replace an outdated and inefficient steam boilers Don Don uses for its core production with a new, highly efficient 2,200 kg/h steam boiler. This will result in lower energy use, reducing yearly consumption for Don Don by 573 MWh. This will also reduce CO2 emissions by 115 tons due to the higher efficiency of the new boiler. Resalta will also take care of all mechanical and electrical installations, including the new gas burner and all associated equipment in the boiler room. The state of the art system will enable complete boiler room automatization, thus also saving time for Don Don’s staff.

Don Don chose Resalta to undertake this project for its expertise in energy efficiency projects and industrial clients, particularly in the field of food products and manufacturing and processing. Previous Resalta projects in similar sectors include Zito, Fructal and the meat giant Perutnina Ptuj in Slovenia, as well as IM Topola and Foodland in Serbia.   

Resalta is the leading independent energy services provider in SEE and has realized over 200 projects for over 130 clients. A dynamic, fast-growing company, Resalta works with both public and private clients to finance, design and implement projects that reduce energy consumption, lower CO2 emissions and promote sustainability while generating cost savings. Besides being present in Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia, Resalta has expanded to the Czech Republic, Italy and Poland as well, offering the same impeccable quality of service throughout Central and Southeastern Europe.

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