Resalta implementing two new projects for Iskratel

Iskratel is a leading European provider of communications solutions with over 900 employees and local presence in more than 30 countries. The company creates cutting-edge, integrated solutions for telecommunications operators, service providers and the provides services for the digitalisation of the transport, public safety and energy industries. Its headquarters are located in Kranj, Slovenia.

Resalta is currently implementing two new energy efficiency projects for the industry leader, modernizing both air handling units (AHUs) and lighting in the production facilities and offices in the Kranj company headquarters

The air handling unit renovation will include four units for the production halls and two units for the office spaces. The new air handling units will also be equipped with new microprocessors, with enthalpy controls and frequency control of fans. This will generate annual savings of 202 MWh of heat energy, 27 MWh of cooling energy and 171 MWh of electricity. Iskratel will thus save 29% on ventilation costs. 

The lighting renovation will replace 183 fluorescent luminaires in the production hall with LED. This will nearly halve the installed capacity and thus save 109 MWh of energy annually, generating 55% of financial savings on electricity for lighting for the client. 

The two projects combined will save Iskratel 509 MWh of energy annually, generating an annual reduction of 182 tons CO2 emissions. 

Initially contracted to undertake an energy audit of Iskratel’s facilities in Kranj, in 2018 Resalta implemented to energy efficiency projects for data center and comfort cooling. These measures generate 637 MWh of energy savings annually.

The four projects thus far result in over 1 GWh of energy savings each year, while also improving employee comfort and working conditions in Iskratel. Moreover, CO2 emissions are lowered and the client enjoys substantial financial savings on the solutions designed, implemented and financed by Resalta.


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