Resalta launches second project with Atlantic Grupa for process cooling in Foodland

Resalta is undertaking its second project with Atlantic Grupa at its Foodland factory in Kopaonik, Serbia. Following a power factor correction project in 2018, Resalta will now modernize cooling at the food processing plant.

The existing process cooling system being inefficient, Resalta’s project goals were to ensure reliable and constant cooling through a separate and independent closed-circuit cooling that will have no negative environmental impact. Moreover, preserving drinking water, especially in summer when it is most required was an additional technical goal. The process cooling is used in the pasteurization process of jams and spreads which are the core business of the factory, under the brand name Granny’s Secret.

To improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact, Resalta will install two new Daikin air-to-water chillers of a nominal 106 kW and 331 kW capacity. Foodland, as part of Atlantic Grupa and located in Kopaonik, one of Serbia’s most beautiful natural reserves, considers environmental protection as a strong priority. Thus, the solution implemented will achieve water savings of 24,000 cubic meters each year. 

Resalta will finance the whole project and take care of implementation as well as operations and maintenance, with the client paying off the investment from achieve savings over a contractual period of 10 years. Resalta takes on all risks, including financial and technical, while the client enjoys a new cooling system with higher efficiency and reliability, as well as a lower environmental impact.

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