Resalta inaugurates new brand with event at Ljubljana Castle

After years of serving public and private partners alike by delivering energy services and developing renewable energy sources, the company GGE has rebranded to Resalta. 

The rebranding was the result of careful deliberation. Originally chosen to represent the three founding companies – Gorenje, Geoplin and Energetika Ljubljana – the name GGE has outlived its purpose. Not only has the shareholder structure changed, the company’s ambitions have exceeded all initial expectations and the company has, alongside the brand, grown regionally at a very fast pace.

The new name, Resalta, stands for the high results the company always strives to deliver to its partners. The new logo and brand image reflect a commitment to sustainability and a greener world. The team, mission and business practices of the company remain unchanged.

To celebrate this momentous change, Resalta held an event for partners, clients, supporters and friends of the company at Ljubljana's most famous landmark, Ljubljana Castle. Guests included CEOs of leading companies, long-term partners, representatives of governmental and financial institutions and others who have keenly followed Resalta's development over the years and contributed to it. 

Luka Komazec, Resalta's CEO, gave a speech to mark the occasion, explaining how the past years have brought Resalta to the turning point at which it finds itself now, thanks to the hard work of its team members and the ambitious vision of its founders. 

Today, with the company employing over 60 people and with reference projects implemented practically from Vardar to Triglav, now is the time for us to take this next step and for a new milestone. That is why we have decided that we need a new name and brand that can support our ambitions to become the leading player in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy in the region of SE Europe.

The CEO also stressed that the company' has very ambitious plans for the real future. Resalta will not only continue with its mission of improving energy efficiency throughout the region and developing renewable energy projects, but it will expand its efforts to offer new services, enter new markets and significantly expand its renewables portfolio. 

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