Plantaže – Montenegro

Project statistics

Annual cost savings of up to



for steam production

Reliable, highly efficient energy system



annual CO2 emissions reduction

Situation before the contract and client requirements

Plantaže AD, the largest winery in the region and one of the most famous, had very high energy costs. 

It used an old heavy oil steam boiler, incurring significant costs for operation, maintenance, cleaning, as well as losses on steam pipelines.

The existing boiler also lacked a condensate return system, resulting in wasted energy.

Resalta solution

Resalta's proposed solution was the installation of a new biomass steam boiler, 2MW capacity, 3t/h, with a partially new steam line and an entirely new condensate return system. 

The new fuel proposed is biomass from vine cuts, which is a byproduct of the company's main operation and has low moisture content and high calorific value.

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