Perutnina Ptuj – Slovenia

Project statistics

The plant has the required cooling capacity to operate fully efficiently

saved each year



Situation before the contract and client requirements

Perutnina Ptuj's meat packaging plant in Zalog requires several cooling chambers set at different temperatures for its production. The original cooling processes used ammonia compressors for all chambers, providing temperatures ranging from -20°C to 0°C. 

Some of the older compressors are up to 40 years old and have an exceedingly poor energy efficiency ratio.

Resalta solution

Resalta developed a parallel solution for the 0°C chambers that represent around 50% of the plant's total cooling space. 

An air-to-water liquid outdoor chiller was installed. It uses the R134a environmentally friendly medium as a refrigerant and prepares the propylene-glycol cooling medium at a temperature of -6/0°C.

With a cooling capacity of 760 kW, the energy efficiency ratio is twice as high as for the existing technology used at the Zalog plant. Under Eurovent conditions, this impressive chiller weighing 8 tons could have a capacity of as much as 1,300 kW. 

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