A new rooftop solar PV project IZOTERM PLAMA d.o.o. Podgrad, Slovenia

IZOTERM PLAMA d.o.o. Podgrad, Slovenia and Resalta just signed a long term PPA contract for 0,46 MW rooftop solar PV plant that will be in operation and producing green electricity in H1 2023. Over the systems' lifetimes, these plants will:

⚡️ Generate over 474 MWh of clean electricity annually

🌳 Help offset more than 5.810 tonnes of CO2 emissions over the 25 years

New solar PV plant installations underscores Izoterm Plama's commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. Resalta is proud to be Izoterm Plama's partner of choice on this journey.

IZOTERM PLAMA d.o.o. Podgrad, Slovenia has a 50 years long history of doing business, located in Podgrad, Slovenia, near Croatian and Italian border. They are an innovative, flexible, market-oriented company that, through efficient solutions for the production of expanded polyethylene, environmentally friendly insulating material, supplies the European market with products that provide protection and a sense of well-being and thus meet the expectations of consumers, owners, business partners, employees and the environment.

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