SŽ VIT – Slovenia

Project statistics

Lower electricity consumption for the production of compressed air

More reliable and stable production of compressed air

Situation before the contract and client requirements

  • SŽ VIT, a member of the Slovenian railway group providing maintenance and technical services for trains and railway vehicles, hired Resalta to carry out a complete energy audit of its main facility in Ljubljana where its specialized electro-traction vehicles workshop is located.
  • The audit identified potential for energy savings in the client’s production of compressed air and SŽ VIT decided to hire Resalta to implement the project.

Resalta solution

In order to help SŽ VIT optimize its energy consumption, Resalta is installing a new, lower capacity compressor with frequency regulation (variable speed drive).

In addition, Resalta will renovate and improve certain elements of the compressor station thus improving not only energy efficiency but also production reliability.

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