San Simon Resort – Slovenia

Project statistics


saved annually

Reduction of energy costs by



Situation before the contract and client requirements

The San Simon Resort is located in the town of Izola, on the Slovenian coast. The hotel used a crude oil boiler with a total capacity of 800 kW for heating, which was in very poor condition. In addition, the hotel Mirta was disconnected from the remote heating of the San Simon Resort. 

Resalta solution

Installation of 3 external high temperature heat pumps with EVI compressors (65°C) with a combined power of 450 kW as a main heat source.

In the summer 1 to 2 heat pumps are used for cooling, while the remaining heat pumps are used for heating sanitary water.
The existing boiler room was reconstructed to retain existing boilers for peak demands by maintaining a hydraulically low temperature of the return medium.

For the wellness building, two additional high temperature (80°C) heat pumps with a combined power of 32 kW were installed.
The old chiller was removed, as the newly installed system can provide cooling for the hotel through connected fan coils.

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