Ministry of Justice – Slovenia

Project statistics

Annual savings of





of heating energy saved each year



of electricity saved each year.

Situation before the contract and client requirements

The Slovenian Ministry of Justice announced a public tender in September 2016 for a public private partnership for the implementation of Energy Performance Contracting for 3 buildings. 

The public tender included courthouses in three locations (Celje, Slovenj Gradec, and Murska Sobota). Resalta won the tender in partnership with Petrol. 

Resalta solution

The implemented measures include the renovation of heating systems,  as well as the installation of additional thermal insulation on roofs and facades, and lighting renovation.

These measures will ensure the courthouses have efficient energy systems and guarantee comfort to its employees and visitors. 

The contract duration is 15 years, during which Resalta will provide maintenance for all the installed equipment.

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