Mercator – Serbia

Project statistics

Financial savings of 



Higher efficiency, more reliable and eco-friendly systems

Improved comfort for visitors and staff

Situation before the contract and client requirements

Mercator’s retail centers throughout Serbia are relatively inefficient, dependent on district heating and have obsolete lighting systems.

The client wanted to lower costs in several facilities and improve the lighting and heating systems.

Resalta signed a contract for projects with four centers throughout Serbia.

Resalta solution

Resalta came up with solutions to improve energy systems and achieve financial savings for the client in four Mercator centers throughout Serbia. 

Among the implemented measures are:

  • Installation of two steam boilers with a 1,600kW and 1,300 kW capacity in one Mercator center. 
  • Installation of modular condensate gas generators of heat with 1,440 kW and 1,650 kW capacity in three centers. 
  • Installation of LED luminaires of a combined power of 122.6 kW in one of the centers.
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