Ivančna Gorica Municipality – Slovenia

Project statistics

Lower energy costs for the municipality

Fewer CO2 emissions

Higher efficiency and better reliability

Situation before the contract and client requirements

The Ivančna Gorica municipality announced a public tender for heating solutions for three schools:

  • Elementary school Stična
  • High school Josipa Jurčiča
  • The Ivančna Gorica kindergarten

The facilities were using costly and inefficient crude oil for heating. 

The municipality was looking for an ESCO company to finance and implement a more cost-effective heating solution.

Resalta solution

Resalta delivered and implemented the entire new heating system. The works included construction, mechanical installations and electrical installations.

Resalta installed:

  • Woodchip boiler: 500 kW + 320 kW
  • Woodchip storage: 200 m3
  • Heating water storage: 10 m3
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