Hotel Histrion – Slovenia

Project statistics

Supplied heating energy costs reduced by



Total heating costs reduced by



Cooling costs reduced by



Situation before the contract and client requirements

The hotel used two chillers with a combined power of 590 kW, with a 4-way piping system, for cooling, and for heating a boiler with extra light fuel oil.

The entire existing cooling and heating system was obsolete and the hotel was incurring high costs of energy.

During works, the hotel had to operate without interruptions. 

Resalta solution

Resalta replaced two old chillers with one reversible heat pump (air/water), 590 kW capacity with an integrated hydro module. 

In summer time the heat pump covers all the cooling demand, in winter time it is the primary heating source in combination with boilers. 

The existing boiler room was reconstructed to retain the existing system for peak demands. 

Resalta provides energy supply of cold and heat. The whole system is connected to Resalta‘s central control system.

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