Fragmat – Slovenia

Project statistics

Reduction of electricity use for compressed air production by





of annual thermal energy savings

Annual cost savings



Situation before the contract and client requirements

The client uses compressed air in its production processes of thermal isolation materials. 

The existing system includes three compressors, two of which have not been renovated since 1998. The system is highly unreliable with numerous fallouts and risks of failure.  

Resalta solution

On the basis of precise measurements of compressed air flow rate and power consumption of compressors, Resalta decided to replace two of the deteriorated compressors with two new ones. The renovation will take place in two phases:

In the first phase, a new frequency-controlled compressor with a rated output of 160 kW will be installed. 

After the installation of this compressor, the capacity of the second new compressor will be finalized. 

In the second phase, a compressor with normal regulation and an anticipated nominal power of 90 kW (second phase) will be installed. 

The new compressors will be two-stage so that they are the "state of the art". Two-stage design allows for better performance and significantly lower maintenance costs. The new compressors will also have a module for waste heat recovery. 

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