City of Kruševac – Serbia

Project statistics

savings once the contract expires



electrical capacity decreased by



Situation before the contract and client requirements

Kruševac is a city in southern Serbia, as well as the seat of a wider administrative area with 128,000 inhabitants.

Its public lighting infrastructure is outdated and the city has published a tender for a public private partnership to renovate the systems in the smaller towns surrounding the city that fall under its jurisdiction. Resalta won the tender with its technical partner Elios. 

Resalta solution

Resalta will replace 12,545 old luminaires with 12,545 energy efficient Phillips and Schreder LED luminaires. The luminaires were carefully selected following photometric measurements to fill all the requirements of the city and its surrounding towns.  

Resalta will also replace the obsolete systems for switching public lighting on and off in all 330 substations in the municipality, with an automated system regulated by an astronomic clock adjusted for the conditions in Kruševac, enabling optimal energy savings as well as the required 4,000 operating hours per year (all lights will be switched on and off at the same time). 

The PPP contract lasts 12 years, with Resalta providing an added 3 years of guarantee on the lighting equipment.

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