Ministry of Defence

Project statistics

Annual energy savings of



CO2 emissions reduced by




Situation before the contract & client requirement

  • The Ministry of Defence published a PPP tender for building retrofit two of their locations – Bohinjska Bela and Brnik. The tender included several buildings in both locations. The main goal was to exchange energy sources in Bohinjska Bela – crude oil with renewable sources and secure redundant energy sources in location Brnik.
  • This project was a pilot project for partnership between the private sector and the Ministry of Defence in the energy field.

Resalta Solutions

The measures implemented:

Bohinjska Bela: old oil steam boilers were exchanged with high efficiency hot water biomass boilers, heating substations were renovated, thermostatic valves were installed, indoor and outdoor luminaries were replaced with LEDs, and remote energy monitoring was established.

Brnik: boiler room was connected to the natural gas energy source, a new 500 kW was installed, and the heating substation was renovated, indoor luminaries were replaced with LEDs, and another building was connected to local district heating and energy monitoring established.

The total investment is 1.5 million euros, with a contract duration set at 15 years.

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