Fraport solar powerplant

Project statistics

CO2 emissions reduced by






installed capacity

Situation before the contract 


Jože Pučnik Airport is the largest international airport in Slovenia, which is actively working to reduce its environmental impact and promotes sustainable transport solutions. Fraport has full ownership and management of the airport and has entered into partnership with Resalta for on-site supply of green energy under a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).

Resalta Solutions​

The solar photovoltaic plant on the roof of the garage with the office building was fully installed in 2021 and will generate around 530 MWh of electricity per year.

The production of its own electricity will be provided by 1,347 high-quality modules, and electricity from renewable sources will provide seven per cent of the airport's total electricity consumption. 

This will reduce CO2 emissions by around 250 tonnes per year.

The contract period is 25 years.

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