Mora Moravia – Czech Republic

Project statistics

Installed capacity reduced by



Additional annual electricity production of



Situation before the contract and client requirements

  • Mora Moravia, located in Olomouc, produces stoves under the brand name Mora, and is a well-established brand in Central and Eastern Europe.
  • As a producer of home appliances, Mora Moravia is a large energy consumer. In order to reduce its expenses and increase its efficiency, Mora Moravia has contracted Resalta to develop and implement a solution.

Resalta solution

Resalta will replace three old inefficient hot water boilers (of 4.3 MW each) with two new energy efficient boilers (of 2.5 MW each), in addition to a 999 kWe combined heat and power unit. The new system will provide stable and efficient energy delivery to Mora.

The client’s current natural gas consumption is around 13,000 MWh and while the new system will consume a similar quantity of gas, it will also produce an additional 3,000 MWh of electricity annually thanks to the CHP unit.

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