Iskratel - Slovenia

Project statistics

Annual energy savings of



Increased system reliability and improved working conditions for employees

Switch from R22 cooling media to an eco-friendly solution

Situation before the contract and client requirements

  • Iskratel is a leading European provider of communications solutions with over 900 employees and local presence in more than 30 countries. Its headquarters are located in Kranj, Slovenia.
  • Following a comprehensive energy audit carried out by Resalta, Iskratel decided to undertake some of the suggested measures to improve its energy efficiency.

Resalta solution

Resalta has replaced the old, unreliable and energy inefficient close-control unit currently in use with a new system that will maximize energy efficiency. The new close-control unit uses free-cooling at temperatures below 18⁰C, so for most of the year, with direct air intake through filters. The hot air produced by the data center servers is used to heat the adjoining warehouse during heating season. An ultrasonic humidifier regulates air moisture.

Resalta has also installed a new chiller as well as an air handling unit with recuperation and fan coils to improve ventilation and comfort cooling. Moisture is regulated, as well as temperature for optimal air treatment.

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