Telekom Slovenia – Slovenia

Project statistics

Energy audit

Savings potential identified

Situation before the contract and client requirements

Resalta has carried out over 100 expanded energy audits of facilities in the industrial, commercial and public sectors. The Telekom Group chose Resalta on the basis of excellent references amid large companies and its energy management offer in accordance with the ISO 50.001 standard.

Telekom Slovenia requested comprehensive energy audits for three of its facilities: Telekom Stegne, Telekom Koper and Telekom Golovec (Celje).

Resalta solution

The comprehensive energy audit found that Telekom Slovenia has chosen a systematic approach to improving energy efficiency.

Management is aware that a well-performed energy audit is the basis for the effective improvement of energy management systems, which is a tool for the continuous improvement of energy efficiency and reduction of energy consumption, which ensures lower energy costs.

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