Sava Hoteli, Moravske Toplice Terme 3000 – Slovenia

Project statistics


of ground water saved annually



of savings of heating costs 



of drinking water saved annually

Situation before the contract and client requirements

The Terme 3000 Moravci spa is situated above the underground spring MT1, water from which is used to fill the thermal pools open to the guests. 

The spa was cooling thermal waters for guest use with plain water, and heating sanitary water with thermal water then cooling it with plain water, both inefficient methods. These processes used to be undertaken with geothermal energy from the spring, but the system is obsolete and malfunctioning. 

Resalta solution

Resalta’s long term solution is to direct the heat energy of the MT1 source more efficiently. 

Two new water circuits are installed, using heat exchangers to extract heat from the source in order to simultaneously cool thermal waters for spa use and heat sanitary water as well as non-mineral pools in the hotel.

The contract duration set at 5 years. Resalta installed all the new equipment and is selling the exchanged heat to Terme 3000 Moravci.

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